September 23, 2009

"Heroes" 4.01 and 4.02 Review

I was beginning to lose interest in Heroes. Not because Season 3 was bad, because it wasn't bad, I enjoyed it fairly enough, but I don't know, I was just seeming uninterested, but with the return of the show, I actually got my Heroes spark back.
I love the introduction of these new people with abilities, as I have no idea what to make of them, are they good or bad? I think they're bad, but they're interesting and fresh. My main highlight, of course, is Claire. If the show didn't have her, then the show would be very dull. Hiro was also great in this episode, and I am very sad to hear he is dying, I hope he beats the inevitable.
Best thing about the first episode? NO MOHINDER! Best thing about the second episode? NO MOHINDER! Also, I had to put 4x01 and 4x02 together because I couldn't get any photos from 4x01, so I thought I would review them together. Episode 1 was alright for me, but Episode 2 was a lot better. I disliked the college idea before the new season premiered, but now I think it was a great idea. Poor Anne, I was so intrigued by her death, I really thought she was murdered, but turns out she just fell, so that's that out the way, but Gretchen saw Claire act out her death to find out the truth and lived. Excited to see them two develop, though I know exactly where it's leading - a ratings stunt!
I actually liked Peter in both episodes also, I used to hate him with a passion, thinking he was better than everyone, but I thought he was average. Sylar is also getting boring, I wish he would just die already. The whole Sylar/Nathan thing is going to blow up in Angela's face with fatal consequences. I also LOVED Tracy in the episode, I thought she was going to be a villain, but turns out she just needs a helping hand to get her life back on track.
All in all, I think this season may just be the best season yet. Here's to hoping.

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